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Saturday, 30 March 2019

Introduction to Indian Tantric Sex

India, an exquisitely colorful, sensual and mystical land where the holy Ganges river
flows from the highest snow-capped peaks in the world—the Himalayas—is consideredby many to be the birthplace of carnal knowledge.

More than 1,000 years ago, this intriguing and spiritual “Shangri-La” spawned Tantra, the most well known of all the ancient sacred sexual practices. A Sanskrit word that means “to weave” or “to expand,” Tantra and its rituals for sexual intimacy were primarily intended to provide Hindus with a pathway to spiritual enlightenment—a blessed state free of suffering and attachment.

Originating before 800 AD, Tantra honored two principle deities: Shakti, a female
goddess, and Shiva, a male god. According to Tantric philosophy, these deities resided within each and every human as divine energy that flows through the body, much like the way blood courses through the veins. This energy is concentrated in “chakras” located at
the base of the spine, the genitals, the abdomen, the solar plexus, the heart, the throat, the" third eye” in between the eyebrows and the crown of the head.

Tantric followers believed that by practicing certain intimate sexual techniques and assuming specific love postures—what we would call sexual positions—they could channel that divine energy throughout the body to reach enlightenment and enjoy transcendent ecstasy, which is a feeling of pleasure so great it exists outside the limits oftime and space.

Many Tantric erotic techniques involved meditation and chanting as a way to get in touch with the deity within oneself and to honor the divine in one’s lover. When meditation was combined with specific love postures, it was believed to extend, intensify and enhance lovemaking. Many of the Tantric love postures were first described in the Kama Sutra, the most famous sex book of all time. Attributed to the Indian philosopher Vatsyayana, who lived during what is referred to as the Golden Age of India from around 320 to 550AD,  this seminal love manual includes graphic descriptions of sixty-four sexual practices. Among the enticing Tantric sexual techniques was the practice of weaving the sensory, or drawing on what two lovers could hear, see, smell, feel and taste while making love. By paying attention to awakening each of the five senses, a couple could bring themselves
more fully into the present moment, creating a more pleasurable dimension in their lovemaking.

Taking the sensory awareness a step further, couples practicing Tantric sex could also activate and enjoy the intense sensations of their raw yet potent sexual energy, which was called kundalini, flowing through the chakras. By channeling kundalini energy through
the body during lovemaking, a couple could achieve heightened pleasure and clarity. They could also experience a feeling of joyous union with each other and, at times, a sense of complete oneness with the universe

Another intoxicating Tantric pathway to glorious sex included prayerful sexual positions that required focusing on both the exciting external sexual stimuli and the heavenly internal subtle sensations while making love. During this powerful sexual intercourse, the woman would praise the role of the lingam, the Tantric name for the erect male penis.The man would praise the role of the yoni, the Tantric term given to the aroused female
sex organ. By skillfully executing these love postures, two lovers could generate themost physical pleasure and the deepest intimate connection possible. Couples who engaged in these prayerful sexual positions with their whole hearts and minds performed a form of erotic and sublime worship with each other.

Saturday, 23 March 2019

Online Chatting is Cheating or Not?

Cheating Is Cheating, No Matter How It's Done
Online infidelity is a kind of emotional affair in which the people involved develop a sexually intimate relationship without actually meeting—what's known as cybersex. In fact, they may never even see each other's face or hear each other's voice. Without actual physical contact, then, intimacy via the internet may not seem like a real affair.

However, an online affair is very much like a physical fling, one that can do lasting harm to a relationship or even an entire family. It can distract the unfaithful partner's attention from his or her real-life partner and children, robbing them of important time and attention and causing them to feel neglected and taken for granted.

And like traditional affairs, those that take place over the internet inevitably involve secrecy and lies that have the potential to destroy the trust that's necessary to hold a relationship together. Even if the person being cheated on never discovers what's been going on behind his or her back, the bond of trust is broken when a spouse or partner is unfaithful. People having affairs also tend to get angry with their real-life partner, which can lead to further hurt.

The Danger of Going Too Far
Once two people begin having cybersex, they can quickly and easily get carried away. Some people even become addicted to online sex, which adds another dimension of difficulty to the situation. For a person addicted to cybersex, time spent in front of a computer or screen will likely take up more and more free time, leaving less time and attention for spouse or partner, and family.

Another danger of cybersex is that the two people engaging in the affair decide to meet in person. At that point, of course, online infidelity can become physical infidelity, which takes cheating to a different level.

It's important to keep in mind that online infidelity, like real-life infidelity, is often a sign that there are problems in a relationship and so ending an online affair may not be enough to put the incident to rest or prevent it from happening again. So rather than turning to the internet to try to find happiness or whatever you feel might be missing from your current relationship, talk to your spouse or partner. Consider couples counseling or therapy for yourself if you can't seem to stop engaging in the sexually compulsive behavior.

You will save your loved ones from being deeply hurt and yourself from living with guilt or shame.

Monday, 4 March 2019

Unprotected sex Without Pregnancy Possible or Not?

The first and the last seven days of the menstrual cycle are considered safe (Only if the menstrual cycle is regular and the woman is ovulating only once per cycle, However pregnancy can occur at any given time of the cycle) Long years ago when condom and contraceptive pills were not invented couples followed this method of periodic abstinence also known as Rhythm method.

How does this Rhythm Method work?

An egg releases from one of the ovaries every month. If periods come every 28 days (which is rare), ovulation will take place about 14 days before the start of each period.

After ovulation the egg can live for about 24 hours. Sperm can live for 7 days. If sperm is alive inside the female reproductive organs while the egg is released, then pregnancy takes place.

Most fertile days will most likely be from 5 days before to 3 days after ovulation- You should completely avoid sex during these days.

Following parameters can help a woman recognise when she is ovulating.

Rise in body temperature - Use a basal thermometer, measure temperature everyday in the morning. Slight increase in the temperature by 0.4 to 0.7 F indicate ovulation.

Use a calendar. - Once learned how to tell when you're ovulating, mark those dates on a calendar. Track it over a period of time and look for a pattern to see how regular your cycle and ovulation days are.

Ovulation kits- Another good way to tell if you are ovulating is to purchase ovulation test strips or the more expensive kits, which work like a home pregnancy test. These kits react to presence of LH. The LH surge happens about 24-36 hours before ovulation, so they can be a good indicator to when you're fertile.

Ovulation application and calendars - Download the one that suits your requirements.

Cervical Mucus/Fluid

Creamy: As you enter your fertile window, your hormones rise the water content in Cervical Fluid and it becomes creamy.

Eggwhite: At peak fertility, your Cervical Fluid should resemble raw egg white in consistency. Using a finger and thumb you should be able to stretch it more than an inch. This is really fertile CF, it provides the best environment for sperm.

Watery: At ovulation your Cervical Fluid may become more watery and reach its maximum in quantity and then it will start to become sticky again and dry up until your next period.

Increased sexual desire - Most women experience an increase in sexual desire when they are most fertile, around the time of ovulation, Though this is not a reliable indicator.

Breast tenderness- Some women experience tenderness in their breasts just before or after ovulation. This is related to the hormones in your body, getting ready for ovulation and the potential of pregnancy.

Disadvantages :

Most women cannot peg ovulation precisely enough to know when the safe times to have sex are.

The rhythm method is between 80 and 87 percent effective at preventing pregnancy.

It can take up to 10 days at a strecth without sex to prevent pregnancy.

The rhythm method doesn't provide any protection against sexually transmitted infections such as HIV, chlamydia or herpes.

Because each woman's menstrual cycle is different and factors like diet, stress and age can cause a woman's menstrual cycle to change. Hence difficult to peg ovulation.

Sperm live an average of three days in the body, but for some women, sperm can live in their bodies for up to seven days. This makes it difficult to plan when it's completely safe to have sex.

Steps to Avoid Pregnancy

Don't have sex without a condom - If you do you will not only stand a good chance of getting pregnant you will also be at risk of catching a nasty sexually transmitted infection!

Don't miss a daily contraceptive pill - It is advisable to use condoms and the pill together. However, if you do just use the pill you will risk pregnancy if you forget to take one or more. If this happens, you must use condoms and the pill for the rest of the pill cycle.

Don't take your daily contraceptive pill at irregular times - This lowers the effectiveness of the pill so you should always take it at the same time each day.

Don't have unprotected sex during your period - A lot of people think that whilst you are on your period you can't get pregnant... that is totally wrong! So work on the assumption that there is never a "safe time" to have unprotected sex.

Don't think pulling out before ejaculation can prevent pregnancy - Treat a penis like a loaded gun... it's always dangerous, so protect it with a condom at all times!

Don't think that it's OK to rub an unprotected penis around the outside of a vagina - It's still possible for some sperm to get inside.

Don't allow either partner's fingers to touch his penis then enter her vagina - even before ejaculation some sperm can be present.

Don't let fingers that have touched a penis touch the outside of a condom - sperm could be transferred to the condom and then get inside the vagina.

Don't leave a penis inside a vagina too long after ejaculation - It is always best to withdraw straight after ejaculation as a common cause for condoms coming off inside is when the penis has gone down and the condom is no longer a tight fit.

Don't have sex if you think all this is too much to remember! - It's easy to make a mistake in the heat of the moment so make sure this knowledge is second nature so you don't have to think about it!

And finally...
Never underestimate the power of sperm... a small drop of semen on the end of a man's penis carries enough sperm to fertilise all the women in Colombia! In case your geography is not that hot, we are talking around 18 million babies.

Why Women Cheats?

Some antagonistic and egoistic men would not agree, but
women are less likely to cheat than men.
This may surely seem to be a wild guess because no
organization keeps estimates of infidelity, since you won’t
find a bunch of people filling up infidelity forms to say
whether they cheat or not. But from other tricky surveys, it
has been consistently revealed that wives tend to be more
faithful than their husbands.

When a wife does cheat on her husband, she is more likely to
have an emotional affair and is less likely than men to have a
one night stand.
Because women are more likely to have an emotional affair,
cheating wives tend to cheat with someone who is part of
their social group – a friend, a co-worker, someone from
school, the church, and so on.
Men won’t agree here again, but cheating wives tend to have
affairs with men who have more status and resources than
their husbands.

In other cases they would cheat with men who are better
relational partners – someone who is more attentive,
appreciative and understanding, even if he doesn’t match the
finances, business or political might of her husband. 

While using infidelity to "get even" is rare, "revenge
cheating" is sort of common among women, and in most
cases works out to nothing more than a total breakdown of
their morality, but not much better than those who don’t even
know why they are even cheating in the first place.
But unlike guys, a cheating wife is more likely to consider
leaving her husband when she is having an affair, because
female infidelity tends to be based mostly on emotional
intimacy. Hence women often attach more significance to an
affair; - and before you know it, she wants to stick with the
new guy. In Comparison, men would sit right through
infidelity and find it perfectly ok to carry on keeping both the
buns and the cheesecake, because in 80% of the cases it’s just
a matter of his ego, not his emotions. 

But what is rare, is a case where a woman cheats because her
intuition tells her that she has to, or because only sexual
gratitude can correct an error she has made in the past.