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Monday, 4 March 2019

Unprotected sex Without Pregnancy Possible or Not?

The first and the last seven days of the menstrual cycle are considered safe (Only if the menstrual cycle is regular and the woman is ovulating only once per cycle, However pregnancy can occur at any given time of the cycle) Long years ago when condom and contraceptive pills were not invented couples followed this method of periodic abstinence also known as Rhythm method.

How does this Rhythm Method work?

An egg releases from one of the ovaries every month. If periods come every 28 days (which is rare), ovulation will take place about 14 days before the start of each period.

After ovulation the egg can live for about 24 hours. Sperm can live for 7 days. If sperm is alive inside the female reproductive organs while the egg is released, then pregnancy takes place.

Most fertile days will most likely be from 5 days before to 3 days after ovulation- You should completely avoid sex during these days.

Following parameters can help a woman recognise when she is ovulating.

Rise in body temperature - Use a basal thermometer, measure temperature everyday in the morning. Slight increase in the temperature by 0.4 to 0.7 F indicate ovulation.

Use a calendar. - Once learned how to tell when you're ovulating, mark those dates on a calendar. Track it over a period of time and look for a pattern to see how regular your cycle and ovulation days are.

Ovulation kits- Another good way to tell if you are ovulating is to purchase ovulation test strips or the more expensive kits, which work like a home pregnancy test. These kits react to presence of LH. The LH surge happens about 24-36 hours before ovulation, so they can be a good indicator to when you're fertile.

Ovulation application and calendars - Download the one that suits your requirements.

Cervical Mucus/Fluid

Creamy: As you enter your fertile window, your hormones rise the water content in Cervical Fluid and it becomes creamy.

Eggwhite: At peak fertility, your Cervical Fluid should resemble raw egg white in consistency. Using a finger and thumb you should be able to stretch it more than an inch. This is really fertile CF, it provides the best environment for sperm.

Watery: At ovulation your Cervical Fluid may become more watery and reach its maximum in quantity and then it will start to become sticky again and dry up until your next period.

Increased sexual desire - Most women experience an increase in sexual desire when they are most fertile, around the time of ovulation, Though this is not a reliable indicator.

Breast tenderness- Some women experience tenderness in their breasts just before or after ovulation. This is related to the hormones in your body, getting ready for ovulation and the potential of pregnancy.

Disadvantages :

Most women cannot peg ovulation precisely enough to know when the safe times to have sex are.

The rhythm method is between 80 and 87 percent effective at preventing pregnancy.

It can take up to 10 days at a strecth without sex to prevent pregnancy.

The rhythm method doesn't provide any protection against sexually transmitted infections such as HIV, chlamydia or herpes.

Because each woman's menstrual cycle is different and factors like diet, stress and age can cause a woman's menstrual cycle to change. Hence difficult to peg ovulation.

Sperm live an average of three days in the body, but for some women, sperm can live in their bodies for up to seven days. This makes it difficult to plan when it's completely safe to have sex.

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